Monday, January 17, 2005


Sunday, January 16, 2005

the reason why im starting this blog is a very small incident...which the blog will be mainly about: small incidents. observations and impressions that we forget as soon as we go to bed...if not before that.i was walking in the university when on the sidewalk i spotted a blind couple sitting and looking really in love. the thought struck me that they didnt know what they looked like...that i on the other hand, a third person and total outsider, could see their faces. The whole scene just touched me...almost killed me.but i would have forgotten about it...hadn't i noticed how sad it was that we drown so deep in our own shit that we actually dope our senses, that we are so self-centered.that little incident also reminded me of a similar scene i had seen as a child...when impressions had a much greater effect (my parents can't remember the scene, although they were present). we were at the airport and my dad was waiting for us outside. we could see him while we were still getting our bags. but we were separated by soundproof glass...probably one of the very few cases in which you could envy deaf-mutes.the two deaf-mute couples were communicating through the glass and were laughing wholeheartedly. it was sweet.


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