Friday, March 31, 2006

When my mind reactivates...

Ironically, I always feel like writing, when i really shouldn't. When I shoud be doing something else...Usually i feel like writing, when I should be studying. Its funny how my mind gets over-active when I study intensively or when I am really concentrating on some other thing I have to get done…Then my thoughts start drifting and flying from one place to the other with no mercy…I start getting ideas of poems to write and projects to make and other things to study…and suddenly I feel like doing really big things and believing I can change things…then I suddenly notice how important it is to take care of my health and do sports…and shopping!...and this and that and Oh my god that too!...and I talk and talk - and Faisal grins :) ...and I actually wanna go. I want to get started…I actually write down all my ideas and waste time that I really should be using for a specific purpose…and I make plans. But I can’t implement them right then for I have to study…so i study...and after the exam…It’s all gone.


(Is that normal??)

what do you do?

Are you rather one of those who care most about always doing the good thing…ore those who care most about doing the clever thing?...or are you some lost kid in the middle -- like me?

Sunday, March 19, 2006

My lost opinion

I’m trying too hard. I read my own blog and I noticed that especially in earlier blog-entries I’m in a constant search for explanations…I would describe myself as a generally observant as well as analytical person, but I think that lately I've been enforcing analysis on my “innocent” observations.
Those entries are shouting from between the lines: "I have an opinion!" Too loud.
For I had lost my opinion. After having made millions of theses only to refute and replace them, i got tired of hypothesising. Thus, all questions that knoched on my door were turned away with a constant “no comment”.
And then, at some point, I needed an opinion, I needed to know what Hana has to think about this and that!! OK, EVERYTHING IS RELATIVE, NOTHING IS TRUE, BUT WHAT DO I REALLY THINK? Relativism got me pissed! Reactions are often stronger than they should be. The middle is hard to find.

...And here I go again, analyzing my over-analysis!

The first one to actually draw my attention to that tendency to over-analyse was larry kim, a person whom i don't know and who posted a comment on my blog, asking me whether I ever stop trying to make sense out of things.